Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How to Use Our Blog!

Well, I am finally figuring this whole blog thing out. It has taken a few hours, but I think I just about have it ready!

To comment on a post, click the area where it says a number and comments, for example, if there are no comments yet, it says "0 comments". You would click "0 comments" and a new page loads with a big box for your comment. I set it up so that I have to approve all new blog comments before they load, there will be a note about that too. Below that it asks you about a Google ID, etc. Just choose the dot by "Anonymous" and type your name. You DO NOT have to register to leave a comment!!!

The tiny envelope is to email the blog post and comments to a friend.

The music player is at the bottom of the page, so if you don't want to hear the music, click the pause button. It looks something like this ". That will turn the music off. If you don't like the song, you can choose the name of any song in the playlist and click it to play that particular song.

To get back to our homepage, click the link just above the music player that says "Go Home!" and it will take you back to our main page! I hope you like our blog and I can't wait to read your comments!!! Let me know what you think!

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